تنظم شعبة الكيمياء بجامعة اليرموك بتعاون مع الجمعية الكيميائية الأردنية المؤتمر الأردني الدولي السادس للكيمياء في الفترة 19-21 أبريل 2011. آخر موعد للتسجيل نهاية فبراير 2011.
The Sixth Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry
19 21 April, 2010-11-08
Irbid – Jordan
Organized by
Chemistry department, Yarmouk University
Jordanian Chemical Society
It is a great pleasure for me, on behalf of the organizing committee, to invite you to participate in The Sixth Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry to be held from 19th to 21st April, 2011, at Yarmouk University, Jordan. The conference, which will focus on all disciplines of chemistry, is expected to attract wide international participation.
During and after the scientific sessions, participants will have the opportunity to sightsee and enjoy not only Jordan’s natural beauty but also the numerous archeological and historical sites that dot the landscape.
We look forward welcoming you to Jordan in April 2011.
Prof. Sultan T. Abu-Orabi
President of the Conference
President of Yarmouk University
President of the Conference
President of Yarmouk University
Deadline for Submission
End of Feb 2011
Registration Fees
Participants from inside Jordan : 100 €
Participants from outside Jordan : 350 €
Accompanied Person : 100 €
These Fees include Meals, Book of Abstracts, and Internal Transportation.
A booklet containing abstracts of all lectures and posters will be distributed free of charge to all participants.
All electronically submitted abstracts will be available on the Conference web site.
Payment of the Registration Fees:
Beneficiary Name: Yarmouk University
Beneficiary Address:
P.O Box 566
21163 Irbid
Beneficiary bank: Cairo Amman Bank
Branch Name: Yarmouk University Branch
Sort Code: 001200
Beneficiary Account:
Inside Jordan
In JD (0110060064501)
Outside Jordan
In $ (253060064500) US Dollar
In € (21500604100) Euro
Swift Code: CAABJOAM
Reference To : JICC
Abstract Format
The abstract ready for direct reproduction must be provided electronically as a word document files, formatted for A4 paper, on one page only.
Margins: 30 mm left, 25 mm right, 30 mm top and 25 mm bottom.
This corresponds to a typing area of 247 x 55 mm.
1. The font must Times New Roman.
2. Title and text must be single spaced.
3. Title: centred, 14 point capital letters.
4. Authors: centred, 12 point font, different
5. Affiliation is specified with superscripts a, b, etc.
For registration and more information, please contact;
Prof. Dr. Idrees Al-Momaniend_of_the_skype_highlighting
Tel: +962 2 7211117
Tel: +962 2 7211117
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