عنوان الفعالية: Towards Closing Copybooks and Opening Minds: it is High Time Students Thought Critically
تاريخها: 13 مارس 2018
نوعها: وطنية
التصنيف: يوم دراسي
الإشكالية، الأهداف، المحاور والضوابط:
With regard to the most significant features of language learning, it is widely observed that Algerian students are conditioned to a ‘sit and listen’ approach to learning. The teachers, themselves, are uncomfortable with spontaneous interaction in the classroom and do not encourage it. Memorization has been for a long time the prominent aspect of the Algerian schools from kindergarten to university. It is believed that memorization is a socially constructed value and it is culturally ingrained in parents, learners and even teachers’ minds. Most Algerians were taught that memorization is the only way to learn, and the ability to recall information on the examination day is a success. Algerian parents and teachers do not see any value in shifting attention to critical thinking approach. This is how they were taught and how they were prepared to the final exam. The ministry of education has attempted to shift attention to the introduction of competency based Approach to teaching, which has remained to a great extent teacher and textbook centered. By so doing, the ministry tried to prepare better autonomous university graduate. Yet, it has been noticed that students’ grades are quite good in exams which require rote memorization. However, examination tasks based on problem solving are not very appealing and do not guarantee high marks.
Critical thinking versus rote memorization in Algerian schools
Objectives of the curriculum and its assessment is Algerian schooling
Implanting the value of creativity in children
Critical thinking from home education to university
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Please send your summaries (max 250 words) to the event Coordinator: by no later than 20 February 2018
Participants will be notified of abstract acceptance by 28 February 2018
الجهة المنظمة: جامعة حكومية
تعريف الجهة المنظمة: قسم اللغة والآدب الإنجليزي لكلية الآداب و اللغات – جامعة محمد لمين دباغين سطيف 2
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